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  • Is it worth using air conditioning in the car in winter?

Is it worth using air conditioning in the car in winter?

Using air conditioning in a car in winter is a question that raises many doubts among drivers. On the one hand, air conditioning can help warm up the car cabin, but on the other hand, it is said that its use can lead to a drop in temperature in the system and undesirable consequences.

With it, we speed up the process of warming up the car cabin, especially when the temperature outside is very low. In such a situation, air conditioning can serve as an additional source of heat, which is certainly useful on colder days.

Air conditioning works by exchanging heat between cold and warm air, thanks to the air mixer we can use the air conditioner while simultaneously heating and drying the interior of the vehicle. This treatment speeds up the process of evaporation of the windows and helps prevent them from evaporating again.

In addition, in newer car models, once the target temperature inside is reached, the compressor is automatically turned off by the control unit. This prevents the temperature from dropping and limits undesirable consequences.

In conclusion, we will present some points for which we think it is worth using it, not only in summer:

  • heating the cabin will allow us to dry the interior of the vehicle, so we prevent evaporation of the windows and speed up the evaporation process,
  • air conditioning prevents the ventilation system from getting moldy,
  • regular use of air conditioning prolongs the functionality of components, thus preventing the system from unsealing.